I have played "Pay IT Forward” twice, I won
first from Stacey at http://theblessednest.blogspot.com,
and the following day from Kim at http://simple-needs.blogspot.com.
So here go the rules:
This is how it works, the first three people who comment on this post
I will send you a surprise.
Then you are to post it on your blog and
the first three people who respond you send a gift too
and you just keep it going that way.
The gift can be something you have,
or made, or bought.
or flee market items.
Please keep your gifts small,
(maybe something you could fit into a manila envelope or regular envelope).
And this is where I differ:
Being as I won twice...
I am going to give away to the first six...
So go for all
Good Luck, and HAVE FUN!!!
don't forget to hug someone... and get one in return...
and oh yes, to Live well, Laugh often, and to LOVE much!!
I want to participate in your pay it foward. :)
I want to participate in your pay it foward. :)
What a cool idea. I came to see your bench (haven't gotten that far yet) but i like this idea too :)
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