I am getting this posted today... Tuesday... at approximently 4:15 pm :D
Well, it was a wonderful fair!! HOT.... smelteringly... melted all most every day... but still fun!! :D
I got a red on my bench!! I was the only entry for woodworking in open class... so feel lucky to get any ribbon at all!! I love my bench...my mom brought it home for me...and put it on my full front porch. This morning before it got to hot... I went out and cleaned off the porch to place my bench. Not sure that is where it will stay. But planning on painting the saying "Nothing's Sweeter than Butterfly Kisses" with at least two butterflies on it in the morning, provided its not already past 95 degrees at 8 am. So hopefully I will have pics of this in the morning for all to see.
My bench finished
I did water all of my neglected plants today!! Boy, were they in bad NEED of watering!!!! The poor babies!! I just hope that no damage was done to my tomatoes and pepper plants!! My wonderful day lilies are all done bloomin now, but so far my morning glories and sweet peas are still bloomin!! and so are my hollyhocks, and hibiscus!! So I still have some color in the yard!! My pumpkins on the other hand... aren't lookin so good! I have no way of watering them...since they come up at the end of the driveway. (The granddaughter set them there after Thanksgiving...thinking the trash man would pick them up... but he didn't!!) So I am hoping that it rains tonite like it is predicting!!!! (PLEASE let the weather man be right for once!!) :D
Update: It didn't rain like the weather man said.....lol, I should know better!!!! lol :(
My pumpkins (growing on their own) with the day lilies!!
For our weekend we went to the county fair... as I said before lol. I got to help judges with the crafts for 4-H. That was on Wednesday... Thursday... evening hubby, daughter and I took the grand kids to the tractor pedal pull!!! The grandson Bubby, doesn't normally pedal his hot wheels he usually scoots along with his feet, but he pedaled!!!! 15 ft...7 inches!!! We were all so proud of him!!!! The granddaughter Sissy,( her mother gave me permission to use her first inital... YEA!!!) she pedaled 20 ft... 7 inches!! I don't think I have cheered sooo much in a really long time!!!! :D Then we took the grand kids to ride on the fair rides... I think they could have rode all week... and they still wouldn't have been ready to go home!!! But we finally did at 10 o'clock.
Friday... we went to check out what the exhibits got... took halters to some of our old 4-H clubs kids for the beef show. Then I went garage saling... it was the Burlington city wide garage sale on Saturday... so I hit those that were open on Friday... I found a book shelf for my mom... some baby stuff for my daughter (day care stuff for her...) and some baby stuff for one of her day care families. I found another Brita pitcher for me... and All it spent for me was $2. But for everyone else I spent $35. but then that included a play pen, 2 high chairs... some cloth diapers... baby bed rubber thingies (Cant remember what they are called... been so long since I had little ones... at least that is my excuse lol) and two booster seats with trays... and a walker. So I think I did ok. (Not sure anymore how much these things cost new... but sure it was more than I paid lol.) And while doing all that... my car... I took the key out of the ignition.... only for the ignition....NOT to let me put the key back in!!!! I had to call service station to come pick it up and fix it. (one of the tumblers slipped out of place!) While they did that I went and had my hair done!!!!! That evening, hubby and I went to the horse pull... poor horses had to pull in that HEAT!!! It took about 2 1/2 hours to get a winner. Our neighbor was one of them competing. (His team didn't win) :( But was still fun to watch... just not for the animals... I don't think anyway. Saturday... we did (youngest daughter and I) did 4-H livestock judging... it is where the kids score the livestock as they see it. We tallied their scores. Took about 3 hours for the kids to get all done and us to tally. Came home, made cinnamon rolls for in the morning, went to bed... at around 10:30 pm lol. Sunday morning we got up (all of us) and went to fair church at 9. Great service!.. was held by one of the local 4-h clubs. They did a great job!! We had breakfast at the fair... cinnamon rolls... and lots of other great food!! At noon our 4-H club helped with Round Robin... for those that aren't familiar with that... it is where all the Champion and Reserve Champion of any class of the Animals show all of the animals that were shown at the fair. We had Sr, Intermediates, and Jrs participate... with Horse... Beef Steer... Market Goats... Market Sheep... and of Course Pigs. They all did a really good job!! Then we had the awards for the fair. Our youngest daughter particiapated in the afternoon in hay bale toss!!! She got first!!! It is usually her and a girl friend that end up first and second every year... they take turns coming in first... has been this way since they were Juniors in High School...6 years ago!!! lol Keep it up girls!!!!
youngest standing on top of the skid,, guys trying to toss bales at her... first one to knock her off gets $5. lol. Needless to say... didn't happen!!! Way to go Girl!!!
Our daughter gave the one we sponsored to the girl that won Horsemanship. We had dinner at the appreciation dinner sponsored by the company my hubby works for. (Great job all!!) It was pork of course with all the trimmings... potato salad... coleslaw... chips... cookies... and WATER!!!! ( I must have drank at least two gallons yesterday!!)
And to finish off the fair... the LIVESTOCK Auction!!! I managed to stay for a little over half before I begged hubby to take me HOME!!! but before we could leave grandkids called... they were mad cause mom wouldn't let them come back to the fair!!! (TOO HOT!!!) so we told them we would bring them something from the fair... they wanted caramel apples and cotton candy!!! So we got two of each... and took them to them... they loved it!!! (Mom wasn't so happy thou... so we figured they were even lololol) Came home and Passed out!!!! til 8 am this morning!!!! And let me tell you I don't normally sleep all night.... but last night... I DIDN'T even wake up once!!!!!!
And THAT IS what I have been up to for the last few days!!! I always look forward to fair... but I really am GLAD when it is OVER till the next year too!!!! :D lololol.
Enjoy your day... don't forget to hug someone... and get one in return...and oh yes, to Live well, Laugh often, and to LOVE much!!
i love your blog!!
email me with your addy smalltownprim(at) yahoo dot com
dont forget to pay if forward on your blog!
Thanks so much for coming on over to my blog! Looks like we're neighbors. :) How far are you from the Nebraska/Kansas border? We are about an hour.
Fairs are so much fun. My hometown's fair is the weekend. It's always fun to go back and have my kids enjoy it as much as I did when I was little.
Sounds like the family has had a great time at the fair!
here's my e-mail: thekopchicks@earthlink.net
e-mail me your address, & I'll get your gift in the mail! :)
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