Well as you can tell... I am back online!!! Thank the good lord!!
I have been having withdrawal!!
I finally get to finish my 400 mile trek for you all!!!
So here goes... we pick it up in Marysville the next morning...
I did get the finials!!! for a whopping $3.00 for 35 of them!!
I have already started picking out the ones for my next projects.
We went back to the store where we got directions so I could take pictures of the laundry mat... I thought they had the neatest pictures painted on the front of the building... The top half of the windows... Check them out...
They were on either side of the door!! Aren't they just really quaint.
At our first yard sale outside of Marysville on the way to Washington... we stopped to check out several along a gravel road... I found all kinds of wood peices... for really cheap $1. each!! You can see the pics in a bit. :D The next stop... I liked this fountain... put it was sold :( and not to me. But I am going to use this pic for a referrence on how to make one for me... out of my washtub!
We didn't see anything in Washington that caught our fancy... so off we went...
Then along the way... I seen this rocker at another sale along the highway out side of town.
We made some stops in Belleville... found some goodies... I found my jewelery there for $3.00 for two pieces... and some pumpkin glass pieces. I didn't think to take pics as we went along today... sorry for not thing!! We stopped at a Habitat Restore Flea Market place... I found a costume for the grandson... and some vynal tablecloths... as you can see a couple of them are for the upcoming holidays!!!
We went to Cuba, Kansas and stopped found all kinds of stuff...
Here is a pic outside the Cuba Flea Market... Antique store...
If I would have bought this one... hubby would have shot me!! lol
Next door to the Antique store was this Statue... telling about the Checz that started the town... Ali read it... while I took the pic. :D
On our way to Scandia... which happened to be our last town for the day...
We stopped at many more sales... and see these hay bales stacks!!
Thought hubby would get a kick out of these... he was home haying while I went...
and he was baling big round bales...
We made many stops in Scandia... and my favorite was the very last one!!! The lady and her granddaughter had been there all day... and were not going to be set up for Sunday... so they were practically giving everything away!!! I found material... plates... which happen to be made in the 1925's according to the marks ( which I found out after I got them home)
Anyway here is my hall. I have taken lots of pics... except I forgot to take ones of my cookie cutters, finials, and the metal bed frame. (Go figure... so I will have them for a later day!!)
Here is my silverware box... two perfume bottles ( I loved the stoppers)... some candles holders (4).. some of my glass bowls (8)... and some of my insulators... (all in the first pic) then a shadow box... with doilies and lace... an odd jar... with marbles (for a friend)... and my bottles again lol... some of the necklaces I got for my candlier.
Here is a candle holder I found in Scandia for a $1. and I have one to match already... So I had to have this one too... along with a pair of old gloves... (I seem to collect them... more about that later) ;-D .... a wood sugar scoop... Actually a set of them... and some dishes... some more bowls... and more lace.... a set of canisters.... (that I found each one seperately... I have some more of these already... we use for candy... I HAD TO HAVE MORE!!! lolol)
More dishes... and lace... the Kitchen saying I have one of my grandmothers... but both of my children want it when I am gone... so now... they can both have one!!! A hen dish... in white... cup and saucer which match a set of my youngest daughters!!! Then the bowl with one of the marks from 1935... and the dish with the flowers in the middle is the one for 1925... and then another one from about 40's.... I love them all!!My two platters that I bought to make into pedestal plates.... one is another 1925 piece... the one with the flowers in the middle.... But the other one is already a pedestal plate!!! All of these plates and up aboves... were a $.50 each from the last stop!! And then my sieve??? it will become a cover for food when camping :D
My find of Pumpkins... the clear glass one will be what I dish candy out of for Halloween!!! Cant wait!! Grandson is going to be Superman!! and Granddaughter is going to be a witch!!
there is more but I can't take pics... (gifts)
and a blanket that I found in Marysville...
It is one that folds up... into a purse type...
Here is a pillow case I got from Hilda... in Beattie on the first day... and a sign I found somewhere along the way... I had to have it... for $.10!!! And here is all the jewerly I found... three pairs of earrings... all clip ons.... two broches... and a magnet!!! (On the top right hand side)
We got so tired the that day... neither one of slept very well... different beds.... soooooo we decided to call it a day... and turned around and headed for home!!! On the way back... we found gas for $3.27!!!!! The cheapest!!!!! We filled up... and made it home only using 1/4 of a tank!! Turns out we only drove about a total of 190 miles!!! From home to finish line!!! lolol. But we had a blast... and have decided that next year....
We are leaving on Thursday... going as far as we plan on going....
then turning around and doing our yard saling on the way home!!!
And we are taking our own pillows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But still leaving hubby's home!!! lol ;-)
Now for my first project as soon as we got home... I took the silverware box.... ripped the inside out!!! Then scrapped as much of the velvet that was glued out!! (Got scraped knuckles out of the deal!) And this is what it looked like....
But you will have to come back to see how it turned out!!!
I started three other projects...
but I can't show you pics... they are for Sue!!!
You have no idea how hard it is not to show and tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So everyone will have to wait till Sue gets them!!!
So everyone will have to wait till Sue gets them!!!
Now it is time to close.... I will leave you with this thought....
The Lord prefers common looking people.
That is the reason he makes so many of them.
(Abraham Lincoln)
Hope everyone has a really wonderful weekend!!
I know I did :D
I know I did :D
Also don't forget to SMILE...
You will get on in return!!!
Remember to Live well, Laugh often,
and to LOVE much!!
You will get on in return!!!
Remember to Live well, Laugh often,
and to LOVE much!!
It's SO HARD not to show things I'm working on for you too!! I love your finds. The old jar with the marbles is so neat! I bet you and your friend had a blast. I'd love to be able to do something like that. Girl, you are too creative. I've got my mother's old silverware box but wouldn't have a clue what to do with it. Can't wait to see what you do.
What a lot of great finds!
I couldn`t believe when I saw that you followed my blog!
Many Many Thanks!
You have made my day!!!
I enjoyed reading your past posts,too!
Thanks so much for how to paint butterflies tutorials and I love seeing your latest treasures also!
... By the way... you look very pretty in that picture... that its on one of your first posts!
Hugs to you... And I will love to come to visit you often!
Debbie Moss
(From England)
Thank you so much for following my blog. You are the very first. That makes you extra special in my blog world. Loved all of your finds!! Isn't treasure hunting fun? I am a city girl with a country heart. Some day I will have my own little, ranch? farm? Okay, maybe some extra land with a few llamas.
What a fun trip. I have to come back and read the rest of it. I'll be back after dinner. Thank you for stopping bye and your lovely comments. And entering my giveaway too!
I love how the windows were painted for the laundry mat...very neat.
You found some great items!
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