
I would like to welcome you to my blog. I am very flattered that you came for a visit. I would like to invite to grab a cup of your favorite beverage, sit back, and enjoy your visit.
Hope you have a wonderfully blessed day! And know that you made my day blessed by stopping by. :D

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Owe everyone BIG apology for long sabbatical

Hello All,
I owe everyone big apology, I have taken a super long sabbatical.
Alot has gone on since I was last here. I went to and got back from California
Went to Texas and came back, took alot of painted items down there, and sold them all!! :D (Or gave them as gifts to my cousins, and her best friend!)

Here are some of them I sold.
Here are some I gave to my cousins...
this one is a cousin that is into endurance racing, and her
husband is into motorcycles and repairs. Here she is...
the second on is for another cousins husband who belongs
to Boozefighters. Here she is with her dog... lol.
This is her garage that I painted three flags on.
There is a story about painting this Texas flag upside
down... long story short... neighbor caught it before I did...
lol. O well it is fixed now!! :D

These two belong to cousin and her best friend,
these are front and back!! :D

This one is mine... practice for the horses!! :D
Love it btw...
Speaking of horses... I loved riding this one!!
Such a sweetheart he was!! :D

Next I worked on some things for Christmas...
and have been for the months to follow...
until now... lol Here are some I have done...

Stockings... front door, stockings to hang on walls, stockings to give away...

snowmen candle holders for the daughters...
snowman clips for me and granddaughter :D

So now you know a little bit of what I have been up to in the last several months.
Oh, some really good news that I should have posted first... daughter that just got married... she is expecting her first child in Nov.!!! :D YEAH!!!

Also don't forget to SMILE... You will get on in return!!!

HOUSE RULES: Always be honest. Count your blessings. Bear each other's burden. Forgive and Forget. Be kind and tender-hearted. Comfort one another. Keep your promises. Be proud of each other.Be true to each other. Treat each other like you treat your friends. But most importantly--Love one another deeply from your heart.


Decor To Adore said...

Oh your stockings are so cute. I need a sabbatical to get a few things done I guess.

Debi said...

Thank you Laura! I can't wait to put them up this year at Christmas!! The sabbitical did me a world of good, was much needed. I didn't know there was that much going on in my life, but boy have I been having fun!! :D
I hope you have a wonderully blessed day!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words about your visit to us here in Texas, we loved having you and look forward to coming up to Kansas to see the whole family at Christmas, and we weighed Skippy at the vets office 136 lbs!!!!! OMG!!! When I have a lottle moere time I will go thru your entire web site.
Luv Ya Girl.,

Debi said...

Thank you for stoppig by, and I meant every word I said, I loved being down there and visiting!! Was such a blast!!!!!!!! Look forward to hearing what you think about my blog anytime. Sending you all of our love, and can't wait until you get to come up, and we get to go back to Texas. Looking forward to seeing you really soon! :D Love you too girl, give everyone a big hug from us!!
Debi xoxo